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Name: Heronflight

Other Name(s): Snailkit | Snailpaw | Snailblossom | Willowrose

Clan/Affiliation: Riverclan

Other Clan/Affiliation(s): Windclan | Riverclan | Starclan

Rank: Warrior

Other Rank(s): Kit | Apprentice 

Gender: Female[she/her]

Age: 20 moons

Sexual Orientation: Apathetic


Positive Traits: Open-Minded | Compassionate | Hard-Working | Helpful

Neutral Traits: Confident | Trusting | Motherly | Protective

Negative Traits: Easily Depressed | Troubled | Bossy | Easily Angered

Overview: Heronflight is an open minded and compassionate warrior that cares for every cat that lives in the clan even if it's not her own. She just loves to be nice to everyone as not everyone has been nice to her. She is very hard working and won't stop until her job is finished. She'll even go out of her way to do something else besides lazing around for the rest of the day. Heronflight is always helping others even if it doesn't mean helping herself. She loves to help and when she sees an opportunity to help she's there. She is very confident in everything she does even talking to another cat isn't a problem. She can be trusting. She trusts others way too easily which could possibly lead to her downfall. Heronflight can be motherly towards younger cats as she feels that she can be a mother to all cats not just ones that are her own. Which being motherly crosses into her being very protective. She is protective of those younger than her. She doesn't want them to suffer what she has gone through. Heronflight can get depressed easily when someone either brings up her past or she sees things being repeated. When that happens she'll actually try and talk to cats. That usually seems to help. She is very troubled as she grew up with a mother who neglected her because of her face deformity. If any cat is being mean to anyone who is similar to her she will tell them off. Heronflight can become bossy when provoked. She just likes to get the job done and she won't quit until it is which can affect those working with her. She is sweet, but also can get angered easily. She hates bullies! If your cat bullies another she will step in.


Kit: As a kit she grew up with her biological father and her adopted parents in Windclan. Once her mother found out when she was born that her kit had a face deformity she wanted nothing to do with her. As a kit she got looked at and called ugly.

Apprentice: As an apprentice she got closer to her adopted brother Beepaw who later became a medicine cat apprentice in Windclan. When he died she became heartbroken then her father was killed by a cat in a battle and she kind of secluded herself until she met a young warrior named Pricklebush. They grew close, but one day he decided to call her his mate and she found it kind of creepy, but she continued to talk to him.

Warrior:  When she became a warrior she became mates to Pricklebush and as time went he became even more creepy, so she had to call it off. Not soon after her aunt who was leader stepped down giving the current leader her clan. She grew angry and walked out on Windclan. That was when she started talking to a tom she had talked to at a gathering before. He invited her to join Riverclan and she took it. Upon joining she got her name changed. She was happy with her first ever apprentice when her biological mother decided to show up again. They had an argument and she soon became very depressed. She felt betrayed after her mother and father were supposed to have another litter of kits(which were terminated) after her father was resurrected too. She had asked for help from many cats, but it never worked out so she starved herself. She was found in Riverclan territory by two cats who kept her death hidden. To them she went missing. 

Resurrection: While spending a couple of moons in starclan she felt like there was something missing and starclan let her get resurrected. Upon return she went to Riverclan and Sootstar allowed her to stay, but her old identity would remain hidden to everyone. She took the name Heronflight and her past was completely wiped and now she's living a new life.


Place of Birth: Windclan Nursery

Beliefs: Starclan | Dark Forest

Favorite Season: New-Leaf

Favorite Prey: Rabbit and Salmon

Favorite Word: Believe

Favorite Sound: Clanmates around her

A Fun-Fact: Heronflight has given a life to Sootstar(A father's love) and Buckstar(good judgement) while she was in starclan


Name | Relation | Positive/Neutral/Negative | Roleplayer | Comment

Foxbite/pudge| Friend and Father Figure | Positive | @BILL.; | "I don't care how he got into the dark forest and I don't want to ever know. My biological father was there for the beginning of my life near the end it was Foxbite who became more of  father to me than Pinewish. He will always be Foxpudge to me."

Credit: Image made on Piccrew

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