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Name: Thrushheart

Other Name(s): Thrushkit | Thrushpaw

Clan/Affiliation: Thunderclan

Other Clan/Affiliation(s): --

Rank: Warrior

Other Rank(s): KIt | Apprentice 

Gender: Transgender male[he/him]

Age: 20 moons

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual



Positive Traits: Compassionate | Loyal | Loving | Outgoing

Neutral Traits:  Ambitious | Glamorous | Calm | Impressionable

Negative Traits: Fawning | Fearful | Gullible | Insecure

Overview: Thrushheart is a very compassionate and loving cat who makes sure everything is alright. He loves his clan and is extremely loyal to Thunderclan. Nobody could change his mind of his clan at all. He is very outgoing and gives everyone a smile when he sees them. Thrushheart is very ambitious and wants to be the best cat he can be to his clan. He wants to be the most loyal and active warrior of his clan. He is such a glamorous tom. He is very calm until someone does something he doesn't like. Thrushheart is extremely impressionable and an get rather easily, mentally. He seems to fawn over one cat a lot and his mind will be one them twenty four seven. He is very fearful to loose those close to him and he will break down if one gets hurt. Thrushheart is a gullible tom and sometimes doesn't understand when someone flirts with him. He's very insecure of his looks. He feels that he doesn't have the right body for his gender and will sometimes think bad about himself.



Kit: Thrushheart was born a female to [mother] and Featherwhisker. His father was a cat that had been a fling to his mother and so he left them both. That didn't stop his mother from loving him. during his kithood he did everything with his mother and always seemed to be doing nice things for her. He hardly ever played with the other kits. His mom was the only one he played with.

Apprentice: As an apprentice Thrushheart still stayed with his mother and told her everything about his training. Once and a while she would take him out herself. After a while he started making friends and doing stuff with them rather than her. Eventually his mother knew he was starting to leave her side, but eh still loved talking to her.

Warrior: As a warrior he began to struggle with his gender. He no longer felt like a she-cat and his mother was there to help him through it. After a few moons of being by himself he realized what he had wanted and he became a transgender male.



Place of Birth: Thunderclan Nursery

Beliefs: Starclan | Dark Forest

Favorite Season: New-leaf

Favorite Prey: Squirrel

Favorite Word: Climbing

Favorite Sound: Claws against bark

A Fun-Fact: Thrushheart is a character that represents me. WE're happy all of the time and are transgender male.



Name | Relation | Positive/Neutral/Negative | Roleplayer | Comment

Nightshade | Love Interest | Positive | @Whitewillow; | "I like him so much and I really wished he'd come back. I really like him. We're both so similar.

Featherwhisker | Biological Father | Negative | @Slushie; | "He's not very involved in my life and I don't really care. I'm not going to run around and try to please him. he's not worth my time."

Frostpaw | Enemy | Negative | @Zesty Mango; | "She ruins all the fun. She had the audacity to​ come out and yell at us for wanting to teach cats how to climb, because she's too lazy to heal them if they got hurt."

Buckstar | Half Brother | Positive | @Slushie; | "I wish he were more active around the clan. he has so much potential, but we're always waiting on him."

Berrybounce | Half Brother | Neutral | @hope; | "I don't really know him all that much, but I can guess he's a great warrior. Hope we can meet someday."

Brackenfrost | Half Brother | Neutral | @elysian; | "Haven't met him, but maybe one day we will."

Ember | Half Sister | Neutral | @Redtalon; | Comment

Whiteclaw | Half Brother | Neutral | @Cobra; | "Never met him."

Sapbeak | Half Sister | Neutral | @Rainquail; | "never met her."



Credit: Image made on Piccrew

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