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Name: Badgerkit

Other Name(s): Broken

Clan/Affiliation: Shadowclan

Other Clan/Affiliation(s): Rogue

Rank: Kit

Other Rank(s): --

Gender: male[he/him]

Age: 6 moons

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual



Positive Traits: Loyal | Proud | Hyperactive | Skillful

Neutral Traits: Short Minded | Hard to Impress | Irritable | Grouchy

Negative Traits: Short Tempered | Bossy | Reckless | Fierce

Overview:  Badgerkit is a loyal cat to his clan and Dawnstar until the end. There is no power on earth that would move his loyalties elsewhere. He is so dedicated and loyal to Dawnstar that if they ever manage to get rid of her he would go down right with her no matter what she did to deserve it. That loyalty goes all the way. Badgerkit is a proud tom who does everything with pride. Hios pride means more to him than anything well that is besides Dawnstar,. She means a great deal to him even if it’s not mutual. No matter what she says to him it will never change his mind. It will just make him stronger. Even when he does something wrong he sees the pride in trying again to come back stronger. Badgerkit is hyperactive, but not in an annoying way. No he just likes to move around his clan and help out in any way he can. He just likes to do everything useful to his clan due to his belief if you're not active around your clan you're just weak and can’t do anything. Badgerkit has a bunch of skills and knows exactly how to get you. He knows where to hit in the start of a battle due to learning early. He has a passion in what he learns and he actually learns rather quickly. He does everything with grace and he won’t quit until he masters a new skill.


Badgerkit is short minded and doesn’t really care about other cats feelings. He has trouble having sympathy for others and could care less what happened to him. He thinks it’s weak to have sympathy when all you really need is power. He doesn’t care who he hurts as long as he appears strong. Badgerkit is hard to impress and will not take lightly for cats trying to show off. If a cat tries to show off to him he will completely ignore them. In his brain if you have to appear to be better than everyone else you're just weak for trying. You don’t have to impress anyone to be happy. Sure he wants to make Dawnstar proud, but he won’t go around trying to show her every two seconds. That's how you get a cat to not notice you. Badgerkit gets irritated easily towards cats and isn’t afraid to show when he’s had it. He will attack. After he’s thrown insults is when his uncontrollable laughter takes over. He will laugh like a maniac until he is able to remember where he’s at. He doesn’t take it lightly when it comes to annoying cats. He will tell them when they're being annoying. Badgerkit is overall a grouchy cat that just seems to hate everything he sees. There’s just nothing in this world that he likes. He’s just a loathing cat that just doesn’t like making friends. He’d rather have enemies than friends as they would just get in the way. He just likes to grouch about things just like an old man.


Badgerkit is short tempered and gets angry over the stupidest things. He’s just a ball of fire when it comes to having to work with other cats. He hates almost everything and if you get in his way or do something he doesn’t like he will just straight up attack your cat. If you're in Shadowclan it’s mostly in words or he’ll whack you upside the head. If anyone else he will jump at you and go straight to the throat. Badgerkit is such a bossy tom that he takes it upon himself to tell others when they're doing something wrong. He ain’t afraid to tell you the truth. If he feels there needs to be a leader in a situation he won’t hesitate to tell you want to do. What happens if you don’t do it? He will threaten until he has his way. He’ll let you choose how he does it with teeth and claws or his words.If you try to think of a reckless cat you get greeted with Badgerkit. He will do anything without thinking. If it’s to protect his clan he will do it. He follows orders even if it means his own destruction. He would rather die protecting his clan than dieing running away from what's to come. He would die for his clan including Dawnstar. If she told him to fight he’d do it. Badgerkit is a fierce cat who is very good in battle and knows when to fight. He has already shown he has a lot of potential and that he has lived up to his name. He will continue to live up to the name Dawnstar gave him.



Kit: Badgerkit was born to [Mother] and [father] along side his siblings Fox and Tawny under the name of Broken. His mother one day ran away from his father to take care of him and his siblings. Upon finding out how angry Broken was she brought it upon herself to get rid of him on Shadowclan territory. [father] found out about this and is now trying to find him. Dawnstar found him and brought him into her clan, calling him Badgerkit.

Apprentice: Not yet, but in the future he will find his siblings trespassing on Shadowclan territory. He will end up killing his brother and severely injuring his sister.

Warrior: wip



Place of Birth: Outskirts

Beliefs: Starclan | Dark Forest(not til later)

Favorite Season: New-leaf

Favorite Prey: Lizard

Favorite Word: Strong

Favorite Sound: Hearing the screams of dying rogues.

A Fun-Fact: Despite being born a rogue he no longer sees himself as one and won't take lightly if he ever saw one. Due to abandonment issues Badgerpaw has episodes of uncontrollable laughter which makes him appear insane. He wasn't sane to begin with.



Name | Relation | Positive/Neutral/Negative | Roleplayer | Comment

Dawnstar | Leader | Positive | @Undertaker; | "I'm completely devoted to her and any cat that tries to underestimate her leadership I will kill on the spot if asked to. Plus if she leaves I leave with her."

Fox | Biological Brother | Negative | @gs29513; | "I hate him! He got to stay and she left me behind. Sure I'm grateful for being in Shadowclan, but mother didn't want me."

Tawny | Biological Sister | Negative | @Cougar; | "She is just plain weak. Mother didn't see that and now she ain't ever gonna see what I can do."

Frogpaw | Partner in Crime | Neutral | @feather lily; | No comment yet


Credit: image made on piccrew

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